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India has taken the first step to break the monopoly of coal

The parliament of India on Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed support for the proposal to end the coal mining and sales monopoly, India became the first step in breaking the monopoly of state-owned enterprises pattern of coal.
According to Bloomberg, India peoples Hospital in lower house recently passed a bill, according to this act, the government of India will authorize the non state owned enterprises including oversea company, coal mining and sales in India.
About two months ago, India coal ministry issued a 27 page law provisions, any company "can be in India in any form of coal trading, whether for their own consumption, sale or other purposes".
Analysts believe that, in the long run, the move has insufficient to help India solve the energy shortage caused by the power industry development issues. But analysts have warned that any move to try to let go of the coal mining and sales are likely to cause great influence on Indias state-owned coal company. At present, India state owned coal companies control 80% of the countrys coal production.
India coal Secretary Anil Swarup (AnilSwarup) said in November 19th that India would give a clear time in March next year, when will completely break up to 40 years in India coal monopoly.
India is the worlds third largest coal producing countries, only China and the United states. But because of its coal mining, production and sales to review the complex and poor management, currently heavily dependent on coal imports. According to the world bank, India is currently about 1/4 of the population without electricity.
