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Bayannur efforts to fight non-ferrous metals and silicon industry

This year, Urad Rear Banner will follow the traditional industry into new emerging industrial scale, the development of pillar industries in the direction of diversification, full of energy, resources and location advantages, further development and growth characteristics of industries, to create new energy, coal chemical industry, nonferrous metals metals and silicon industry, building materials industry.

    Bigger and stronger non-ferrous metals industries. Make full use of domestic and overseas Mongolia abundant non-ferrous metal resources, based on the 200,000 tons of zinc has been formed, 100,000 tons of copper, 100,000 tons of lead smelting capacity and 6,000,000 tons mining capacity industrial base, further expanding mining and smelting scale, speed up technological upgrading, extend the industrial chain, to build the countrys major non-ferrous metal processing base. To the "Twelve Five", and strive to create 500,000 tons of zinc, 300,000 tons of copper, 200,000 tons of lead, 10,000 tons of molybdenum lead and zinc smelting capacity and 9,000,000 tons, 3,000,000 tons of copper, 10 million tons of molybdenum mining sorting capacity, and further extends to copper, copper, galvanized sheet, zinc-based alloys and lead-acid batteries and other downstream products. We will focus on business operations and technological expansion, to ensure that captive power plant Zijin Zijin Mining 3.3 million tons of low-grade lead and zinc mining, lead and zinc Western Copper 4 million tons of copper mining, Qi China 1.5 million tons of mining technical innovation, Flying is still 100,000 tons of blister copper smelting technological transformation, technological Julimount 100,000 tons of lead smelting and other completion of all projects and accelerating the East lead and zinc ore 1,000,000 tons of sulfur mining projects. The end of 2014, all flags nonferrous metal mining capacity to expand from the current 6 million tons to 1,200 tons.

    Development of new energy industries. Make full use of the territory of the flag wind, solar resource-rich advantages, vigorously develop new energy industries, into the countrys largest wind power base. Strive to "Twelve Five", the whole flag wind power installed capacity reached 500 million kilowatts, up to 500 megawatts of solar power. In the wind power projects, this year to ensure that the approved 150,000 kilowatts completed and networks, to seek Baoyintu one million kilowatts of wind power base, Guohong 100,000 kilowatts, Huadian a 50,000 kilowatts and other wind power projects approved and started construction, strive to year wind power more than one million kilowatts. Solar power project of 10 MW in the grid built on the basis of this year to ensure that the approved 60 MW completed and networks to promote Datang Hebei 20 MW, 30 MW net energy Guodian other photovoltaic projects approved and started construction as soon as possible, strive to year PV grid over 100 MW.

    Accelerate the development of coal chemical industry. After the flag with the development of coal chemical unique geographical advantages, in the "four to coal" position. Shanxi Black Cat Group after the flag will be as a leader, to lead the rapid development of coal chemical industry, this year, 100,000 tons of black caprolactam and use 400,000 tons of coke oven gas LNG project has obtained approval in April plans In mid-full construction. "Twelve Five" and strive to form a production capacity of 10 million tons of coal chemical industry, to build modern coal chemical production base.

    Efforts to promote the development of silicon industry and building materials industry. Vigorously develop the silicon industry, this year focused on urging DunAn two 10,000 tons of polysilicon and captive power plant construction, to create silicon industrial park, and strive to "Twelve Five" polysilicon production reached 15,000 tons. Make full use of the flag of the large reserves of granite, high quality, easy to exploit advantages to ensure that the new Materials Group 2 million tons of cement, silver-based mining 80,000 m3 of granite blocks, 2 million square meters of granite slabs during the entire production line put into operation, accelerate foster granite industry, to create stone processing base in western Inner Mongolia.
